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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Flowers

My Honest 14 Day Teatox Experience

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

DISCLAIMER: Before this post, I want to mention that everyone’s body is different. We are our biggest critic, and what I mention in this post might be different to what you believe. THAT’S OK. These are just my opinions and my experience.

I had been looking for a teatox for years. I always wanted to try one out of curiosity, but lately, I have felt very bloated and wider in my waist area. That is partially due to not working out as frequently as I would like to, and because I am the worst when it comes to eating consistently.

Good news! I found a teatox! It is the 14 day teatox from Cute Nutrition. There are also many other products that Cute Nutrition offers, I just decided this would be best for what I was looking for.

The teatox is an appetite suppressant for weight loss, body cleansing and bloating. I mainly purchased it for the body cleansing and bloating. The reason I chose this teatox over any other brand is because it is 100% organic and vegan, and is caffeine and laxative free! Another bonus: the tea comes in a tea bag instead of loose-leaf. Talk about convenience.

Now, you’re probably wondering: DOES IT WORK? As the title says, this is an HONEST review. I will share the good, the bad and the ugly. Here’s my teatox split into two weeks.

Week One:

The Good: I was feeling really excited to finally try my first teatox! The teatox comes with 14 teabags (hence the 14-day in the title). You can drink the tea anytime of the day, but I always had my cup first thing in the morning. It made me feel more awake in the morning and motivated to get things done.

The Bad: As the day would go on, I would feel very lethargic. It is mentioned that the teatox helps to kick start the day, but I only felt that energy boost in the beginning of the day.

The Ugly: I mentioned that I am terrible with eating consistently, and here is an example. During a teatox, it is typically suggested to maintain a healthy diet and stay relatively active. I had a major cheat day at the end of the week. I went to Brewers game and took advantage of the concessions more than I should have. What can I say? I was in the moment. Also, I was craving chips for two days straight and ate two bags of chips entirely on my own in those two days. This is not usual for me, but life is all about balance, right?

Week Two:

The Good: I am not sure if it was the teatox or just the fact that I was not eating as badly as last week. I was starting to notice that my stomach was getting a bit flatter and my stomach was looking more toned (I only went to the gym a few times this week).

The Bad: I still wasn’t feeling very energized.

The Ugly: I forgot to drink the tea one day of this week, so I got a bit off track that day!

Overall, the teatox was not what I had expected. I was wishing it could magically do all that I wanted it to, but that was not the reality. I enjoyed the tea itself! It was pretty tasty and was nice to drink in the morning. I do feel that it helped with my digestion a bit. I think that if I had eaten really well and worked out quite often the results would have been different. I tried my best, but I am a busy bee these days.

I would try this brand again because I have heard good things about it, and think that it has potential to do what it claims if I assisted it with proper workouts and a healthy diet.

XOXO Courtney

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