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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Flowers

Happy New Year!

Hey There Loves,

Long time no talk, and HAPPY NEW YEARS! 2018 was a good year! I did a lot of things and connected with a lot of people. I really enjoyed 2018, but I am very ready for 2019. I have a lot of change headed my way (which scares me to death! but I am also excited). However, looking back on 2018, I am feeling positive going into 2019.

Enjoy this collage of my favorite moments of 2018...

I went on a lot of trips this year! For spring break I went to Tulum, Mexico with a small group of friends. Over the summer, I went to Three Lakes, St. Louis, Tennessee, Paris, Germany, Italy, and Austria. Every summer I spend time in multiple countries Europe, but in 2018 I was surprised with a trip to Paris for my birthday. I can never pick a favorite trip because they all were special to me in their own ways.

I spent a lot of time with friends and family, which always makes me the happiest (well that and food and dogs make me the happiest if we are being totally honest). That's something I will do even more in early 2019 as well.

I'm not one to toot my own horn, but in 2018 I accomplished some awesome things! I signed with a new modeling agency in New York and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Advertising and Public Relations! I hope these accomplishments can bring me new opportunities in 2019.

I wish I could share everything and all the pictures and moments, but there was just too much. As cheesy as it is, I want to thank everyone for being a part of my 2018, and I hope we can all move forward into an even better 2019.

XOXO Courtney

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