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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Flowers

Gift Idea: Skylar Fragrances

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

Hey Loves,

Before we get into things I wanted to let you guys know that I am working with Skylar Fragrances on this post, but they are not paying me and they are not requiring me to say positive things. WITH THAT BEING SAID, I love this brand.

They sent me another package of some goodies. One of which, was the sample pack. This includes all of their 6 scents: Arrow, Capri, Coral, Isle, Meadow and Willow. This is the perfect gift for someone who is trying to get into scents and is not sure of what they like, but it is also good for someone who wants to dive into fine fragrances without spending the luxury price. I have tried the first 5 already with my previous sample they sent a few months ago, and they are absolutely lovely. They are a good mix clean, fresh, and spicy scents. A great mix to find what you're into!

My favorite one at the moment is their newest scent, Willow. WOW I am obsessed. Willow is a more earthy and woodsy scent, which is one of my personal favorite scents (especially around this time of year). They kindly gifted me the Rollie in Willow, which is a travel sized rollerball, and I am so ecstatic. When I think travel sized, I picture something more along the lines of a sample size, but this will last me for months to come I can tell. The Rollie is also a great option for gifting to someone for a budget friendly cost, that offers more wear than the sample pack.

Let's also take a second for packaging. The boxes are so cute and simple. It matches the vibe of Skylar Fragrances very well, and gives off a brilliant sense of what you would expect a fine fragrance brand to be. Also, if you couldn't tell from my blog, I am into this lighter pink color at the moment.

Skylar Fragrances has various holiday packages for the Christmas season, including some duo deals sprinkled in. It's definitely worth checking out, and with the holiday rolling around, it would make a great gift!

I also wanted to mention that Skylar Fragrances also does Home Fragrances, which includes different types of candles and package deals. They are similar to the scents above, but they do include a limited edition Cinnamon candle. They also have gift cards available if you don't want to do any choosing!

I know that was a lot of information, but I really wanted to give you guys a better look into the products they sent me this time around because the more I work with them, the more I appreciate it and are amazed at the quality and the brand itself.

Check out the link to their website HERE if you're looking for great gifting ideas, whether it be for yourself or others. I don't blame you for maybe doing both.

XOXO Courtney

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